Monday, July 02, 2012

Flesh-eating victim released from hospital: ‘I feel I’ve been blessed’ The Look

Aimee Copeland--a 24-year-old Georgia woman who
has spent more than two months recovering after
contracting a rare flesh-eating bacteria in a zip line
accident --has been released from the hospital, officials
at Doctors Hospital in Augusta said Monday.
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Copeland, who had one her legs and most of her
hands amputated by doctors and endured multiple
skin grafts while fighting the Aeromonas hydrophila
bacteria, will now spend the next several weeks in a
rehab facility, her father, Andy Copeland said.
The original gash on Copeland's leg took 20 staples to
close; the bacteria, doctors say, came from the Little
Tallapoosa River where Aimee fell on May 1.
"She hated to see a lot of people she loves, to say
goodbye," Andy Copeland said. "The sweet is that she
is moving on to the next phase."
"This next step is her opportunity to go to the next
phase and learn something, be able to rehabilitate
and basically relearn her life skills," he told CNN. "She
needs to be able to develop the autonomy to be able
to transfer from her bed to a wheelchair to the shower
to the bathroom or anywhere else in the house. And
she can do it."
Last week, Aimee Copeland was able to leave her
hospital room in a wheelchair for the first time.
Andy Copeland--who has been blogging about his
daughter's progress--wrote that he asked her about
how she felt about the ordeal.
"I don't have any regrets about what has happened,"
Aimee said, according to her father. "I don't focus on
what I've lost, I would rather focus on what I've
gained. I feel like I've been blessed."
Sent from my BlackBerry wireless device from MTN

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