Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Obama on Defense

Here’s the new re-elect TV ad “Always,” which, somewhat amazingly, has the President directly responding to the Romney exploitation of Obama’s out-of-context quote about infrastructure.

This one has the President speaking directly to camera again, doing an admirable job of striking the right tone of not sounding too defensive or concerned about what the Republicans have done.
But a campaign never wants to let the opposition dictate what it advertises on. I don’t know if this purely defensive move is based on the vaunted Chicago research department picking up trouble in its focus groups and/or polling, or just intuition that anything that threatens to further reinforce the meme that Obama doesn’t understand or appreciate how the private sector really works must be countered as soon and as much as possible.
But I do know it is unusual for an incumbent President ahead in the polls to let his rival drive his ad content.
This is as surprising as it is significant.
The campaign says the 30-second spot is running in Virginia, North Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Iowa and Nevada.

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